Saturday, February 4, 2012

Home With My Feet Up

Did you hear that? It's me dropping like one of the flies - I've finally gotten one of the many bugs going around work. Sore throat, tired . . . time to stay home and recover. I'm sure most of you know the feeling.

It's actually been a rather uneventful week. I finished all my homework for the acquisitions editor at Dundurn to pitch my adult mystery. I've plugged away at the Rapid Reads sequel and am now at the point where I think it is terrible - this happens with every manuscript. I'll finish it though and then have some readers critique it. At the very least, I've had fun writing it.

So here is an embarrassing moment to share since I haven't much to talk about this week. I was coming home on the bus on Thursday after work, not feeling so great but hanging in. A group of school kids got on at Wellington Street and were clogging up the aisle since all the seats were full. I rang the bell for my stop and stood up, moving toward the side door. The bus driver hit the brakes and I fell flat on my bottom on one of the stairs between the upper and lower level - there were a lot of gasps and then shocked silence. I managed to get up and with all the dignity I could muster, stepped off the bus as if nothing had happened. Hard to do when one's white coat is dripping mud. Luckily, no harm done otherwise.

So, a day of drinking tea and resting up ahead. I'm reading an Elizabeth George book Careless in Red  and recommend her series for those who've never read her Inspector Lynleys. This is the first day that I said to Ted I'm thinking about getting a Kobo or similar device to be able to download books. It might be nice to have the option although I still prefer the tactile experience of a real book and know that I always will. I'm sure those people driving Edsels talked the same way. Heck, I'm still driving my old Pontiac . . . .

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