Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Summer Lull

I made good progress on my Anna Sweet manuscript during the last week of my holidays. Back at work this week, the writing has slowed, but partly because I had to work out the whodunnit part of the crime, including the motive. Now, I feel that I'm ready to move forward. I like the set up of the story - now at 6500 words and aiming for 14000. These are considered novellas and so much quicker to write. I'm planning to have this one written by the end of August.

The first advance reviews for Butterly Kills have been excellent. Heart-warming even. And most happily, they have not given any spoilers. Here is one review by the blogger who also posted the comment below to Twitter (from your keyboard to God's ears).

The bad news is that you have to wait until January 31, 2015, for the Butterfly Kills release, but as we all know, time has a way of moving right along. Already the summer days are taking on that feeling of autumn in the evenings with the sun lower in the sky by eight-thirty. But still a few weeks of summer weather left to enjoy before we pull out the sweaters.

You can follow along with other advance reviews on Goodreads. If you aren't a member of this site, it's free and easy to join and a great place to check out reader reviews of books in all genres. You can also write your own reviews and keep track of the books you've read or plan to read.

I've been reading an interesting book on my iPad this week entitled Norwegian by Night by Derek Miller. The Guardian named this one of the best mysteries in 2013. The plot is centred around an 82 year old American man who has moved to Norway to live with his granddaughter and her husband. The grandfather is witness to a woman's murder and is now on the run with her seven year old son, in a foreign country where he doesn't speak the language. The premise intrigued me and the book has been a good read so far. Perhaps another book to add to your summer reading list!

Well, we've got a gorgeous day going on just outside my office window. Time to have another cup of coffee before I run my errands and work in the garden for an hour. Then, down to work on the manuscript although on days such as today, I find myself working later in the day and into the evening. Speaking of which, tonight the super moon will once again grace the skies. Apparently, the best time to view it will be four a.m. Sunday morning. A sight not to be missed.

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