Saturday, July 20, 2013

Introducing The Hard Fall

Ta da! The new cover for the second in the Anna Sweet mystery series from Grass Roots Press.


I think designer Lara Minja has done a great job with a quite striking image. She also sent me some pretty sweet feedback, which I'm hoping she won"t mind I cut and paste here: 

I am loving your Anna Sweet series. You describe the characters so
well, they seem like real people. Great mysteries too.

If you haven't guessed, I'm trying to whet your whistle, as they say :-)

The manuscript came back one last time for this one earlier in the week. I gave it one last read through. I'm beginning to realize that the odd word gets dropped when the manuscript is being formatted into its final book form. That's why I'm always surprised to see these little errors in my published books that wasn't there on my last read through. Hopefully, we've caught them all this time.

The contract for my second Dundurn book also arrived this week so I'm going through that. It is the sequel to Cold Mourning and already written and submitted. The working title for this one is Butterfly Kills. I moved my cops from Ottawa to Kingston, Ontario for book two. There is lots of room for suspense and murder in this little city peppered with prisons and a large university population. Wa ha ha.

So, my next project will be the third Anna Sweet book, which is due in November. Then, I'll be starting on the third Stonechild and Rouleau mystery for Dundurn. It's kind of fun to have two series on the go - keeps the old mind nimble.

I have a fun morning ahead. My daughter Lisa is getting married next July and we are heading out wedding dress shopping in an hour. And tonight, a little engagement dinner with the two families back here. A little prime rib on the BBQ followed by homemade strawberry shortcake and whipped cream . . . taking time to celebrate all our blessings.

Blue Jays and golf on the teli; beer and wine in the cooler. Hope you are managing to while away this July weekend in fine style as are we.

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